


What is debounce and throttle? What is the difference? How to implement them?

What is debounce and throttle?#

Essentially, they are means of optimizing the execution of high-frequency code.

In the process of front-end development, we often need to bind some continuously triggered events, such as resize, scroll, keypress, mousemove, etc. When these events are triggered, the bound callback functions are constantly called, which greatly wastes resources and reduces front-end performance. However, sometimes we do not want to execute the function so frequently during the continuous triggering of events. In this case, debounce and throttle are good solutions.


  • Debounce: After a high-frequency event is triggered, the function will only be executed once within n seconds. If the high-frequency event is triggered again within n seconds, the time will be recalculated.
  • Throttle: The high-frequency event is triggered, but the function will only be executed once within n seconds, so throttle dilutes the execution frequency of the function.

What are the differences?#


  • Both can be implemented using setTimeout.
  • The purpose is to reduce the frequency of callback execution and save computing resources.


  • Debounce processes the callback after a continuous operation ends, using clearTimeout and setTimeout.
  • Throttle executes the callback only once within a certain period of time during a continuous operation, and is used to improve performance in events with high frequency.
  • Debounce only triggers the last event, while throttle triggers the next event only after the previous request is successfully responded to.

How to implement?#

Debounce: Cancel the previous delayed invocation method every time an event is triggered#

function debounce(fn) {
  // Create a flag to store the return value of the timer
  let timeout = null; 
  return function () {
    // Clear the previous setTimeout whenever the user inputs
    // Then create a new setTimeout, so that if there is still input within the interval after the character is entered, the fn function will not be executed
    timeout = setTimeout(() => { 
      fn.apply(this, arguments);
    }, 500);

function sayHi() {
  console.log('Debounce success');

var inp = document.getElementById('inp');
inp.addEventListener('input', debounce(sayHi)); // Debounce

Throttle: Check if there is a delayed function waiting to be executed every time an event is triggered#

function throttle(fn) {
  // Use closure to save a flag
  let canRun = true; 
  return function () {
    // Return if the flag is not true at the beginning of the function
    if (!canRun) return; 
    // Immediately set it to false
    canRun = false; 
    // Put the execution of the function passed in from the outside into setTimeout
    setTimeout(() => { 
      fn.apply(this, arguments);
      // Finally, after the execution of setTimeout is completed, set the flag to true (key) to indicate that the next loop can be executed.
      // When the timer is not executed, the flag is always false and is returned at the beginning
      canRun = true;
    }, 500);

function sayHi(e) {
  console.log(e.target.innerWidth, e.target.innerHeight);

window.addEventListener('resize', throttle(sayHi));

Application scenarios#

  • Buttons such as login and sending messages should avoid users clicking too fast, resulting in multiple requests being sent. Debounce is needed in this case.
  • When adjusting the browser window size, if the resize frequency is too high, causing excessive calculations, debounce is used to achieve the desired result in one go.
  • Real-time saving in text editors, saving after one second of no further changes.
  • Scroll events, calculate position information every second, etc.
  • Browser playback events, calculate progress information every second, etc.
  • Real-time search and send requests to display dropdown lists in input boxes, send requests every second (can also be implemented with debounce).

Reference documents#


JS Throttle and Debounce

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